Mystery book
 by Jill Culiner

Sad Summer in Biarritz
Published by 
Club Lighthouse Publishing
Released: june 2017

Sad Summer in Biarritz

The narrator, a Canadian woman, hopes to change her life by moving to Biarritz. Having escaped a devastating relationship with the mentally unstable Dominique, she is determined to make new friends and find the perfect mate. 

But in this summer resort frequented by couples and families, available singles are lonely people, too often embittered by romantic failure. And if the young artist Vinnie has promised entry into local society, he remains an illusive figure.

When Vinnie’s body surfaces at the Pointe des Fous new rumours circulate. Had he really been a fortune hunter, a seducer and blackmailer, or just a gentle, over-sensitive man, a loser in love and friendship? 

The police have concluded his death was accidental, but doesn’t everything point to murder? Or is the narrator over-reacting? Perhaps loneliness and isolation have made her suspicious, for love is as unattainable as ever, and threatening letters from Dominique are arriving with increasing frequency.




Sad Summer in Biarritz, is a mystery, a story of the desperately lonely search for love, and a satirical portrait of French nouveau riche society in the 1980s.

 Sad Summer in Biarritz has an international flair, and the author immerses the reader in the French culture and societal mores of the day. Readers will be surprised at the twists and turns in the story as they find out what truly happened to Vinnie and the reasons several prominent citizens are willing to hide the truth. Whispering Stories

The more desperately you run after love, the more certain you can be of failure. In this story of a summer spent in a holiday resort, there are few people who can be trusted and there is little glamor. An interesting trip into the past with a mystery that is as elusive as its conclusion.              InDtale

This was an excellent and entertaining read. The prose was smooth and elegant with some interesting history tidbits thrown in for a good measure.                 Micamaca

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